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From the desk of Dr. Watkins…….

Excuses………..we’ve all made them. Sometimes we use an excuse because we don’t feel like doing whatever we promised to do; other times we make excuses just to put off until tomorrow what we need to do today.  We can fix it up to try to make it sound legitimate but nevertheless, it is what it is………just another excuse.  Our topic this month, “WHY EXCUSES DON’T WORK WITH GOD,” takes the strength out of whatever excuse we can come up with!  God knows us better than we know ourselves, so whatever we have in our mind that man will accept – just know, it’s not going to work with God!

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins


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We thank God for our 2016 Conference where He visited us in every service!  We bless God for His faithfulness and for knowing us better than we know ourselves. We know we’re not perfect, and even though we try to please God, still sometimes we allow interference to become a struggling match for us. Our topic this month, “I ALMOST GOT DISTRACTED!” speaks of the warfare in this flesh. The battle is not in the distraction, but it’s in how long we allow the enemy to hold us captive to whatever it is that has us distracted.

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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From the desk of Dr. Watkins…….

Distraction is one of the enemy’s main tactics. If he can get us distracted he can bring issues that may possibly throw us off course; but since we know this…….as Believers we have to be pro-active and do what we know to do in our efforts to fight against the wiles of the devil.  Our topic this month is, “FOCUS ON YOUR PRAISE!”  It doesn’t matter what all is going on around you NEVER allow the enemy to distract you with the methods that he uses. His games are old now, it’s the same old thing………just a different day!  We have to make him know our main purpose is to please God.  PRAISE WILL ALWAYS GET GOD’S ATTENTION!!

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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The Higher Ground Always Abounding Assemblies, Inc., 870 St. Clair Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, was founded and organized by its present pastor Dr. Sherman S. Watkins in March, 1970...

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870 St. Clair Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201



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